This has to be the end of the line humour for anyone who bothers to read. Last evening, a friend and I sat down to listen to the new version of Eminem's Love the Way you Lie. It was just a flicker of emotion on her face but I sensed it immediately. The memory of being through a violent kind of passion and with the very sense of it I realised yet another thing. The ugly beast inside me was smirking... I sensed how strongly I had repressed it's powerful claw and now, I realised I had failed and that it had found a broken piece of mirror to flow back into the reflection.
It took me three hours of non-stop prayers to find any semblance of peace this morning. The Satan as anyone who has been his prey knows, knows the best time to strike and like every year, these past seven years, today has always been the weakest day for me. And so, I looked up the internet to see the root of the evil and I realised that yes, there are numerous accounts of songs/tracks that I can bring under the umbrella of 'instant depression' buttons. Needless to say, most of these songs are so wonderful to behold that you would gladly give up your life just to hit the repeat button.
For as long as I can remember the title track of Tum Bin snapped a few chords quite rudely in my heart. Koi Fariyaad from the same movie song album was equally disturbing and despite their negative effect on my mind, I couldn't resist listening to them. I still get affected by both. Then there was Tanhai from the film Dil Chahta Hai. I am pretty sure singer Sonu Nigam didn't care about how suicidal he made me feel when he was trying to jusitfy the character's agony. But now, there's so much more in my kitty. The latest addition being Eminem and Rihanna's combined angst in Love the Way You Lie Part 2. Turns out I am not the only one who has been listening to Creep by Radiohead over and over again through the day. Several have done it before me, before taking the plunge to the sound of being weird.
So do me a favour today. Get up and turn off the radio before it turns off the bloody lights on me.
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