I had happily passed the phase after the strange dream I had of a naked woman wrapped by a giant snake. Till a few minutes ago when a picture of the very vision I had, popped on the screen of my colleague (who sits next to me).. It was a page about Lilith. The true alter-ego of man and the woman God created before Eve. On reading some more, I understand that Lilith was way too explosive to sustain life on Earth and hence, she had to be destroyed. The tamer Eve took her place but Lilith, having been a resident of the Earth, left her traces behind. She had, in fact, borne Adam children.. a girl (I don't know why this sounds obvious) along with several various lesser forms of human (who were conveniently tagged as demon off-spring and their mother termed as a demoness) but since she was uncontrollable to Adam, she was banished. Adam and Eve continued their life on Earth. It is thus, a myth that all children were born of Adam and Eve alone... Lilith and her children prospered as well.
The occurrence of Lilith in my dream can have several connotations. It could be the rise of my own soul against my tame, feminine being or a beckoning to join her forces.
A little snippet on one of the sites took my concerns further.. Lilith is considered the mother of all demons and the protector of spirits. Combined with the uncomfortable fact of frequent haunting of my residence and the spirits that have been standing guard around me, always... I believe the Goddess has for some reason taken a fancy to me.
On re-reading my post, I feel like I have lost my mind. Maybe my imagination is truly playing tricks on me.
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